Posted by David on April 18, 2004 at 13:37:10:
In Reply to: Chapter Two: The Chase posted by David on April 18, 2004 at 13:36:20:
I grunted again, and felt around for her. I could do this Jerry thing. Nothing but air, and cold countertops at first - was she hiding? But then I grabbed something soft and warm, and she pressed up against me, and I got my bearings.
"So, come on stud," she said. "Do your magic."
She reached her hand behind my head, and pulled me down to her neck. She smelled nice. Really nice.
"Come on, Jerry, get going," she said. She ran her fingers through my hair urgently.
Oh, right. I had a job to do here. I kissed her neck.
"Hurry up, Jerry! We're going to get caught."
I kissed her neck faster, but that didn't seem to be what she meant.
She sighed. "Do I have to do everything around here? What is with you?"
I thought about grunting again, to reassure her, but then her whole body stiffened up.
"Wait a minute. What happened to your goatee?" She pushed me away from her.
"Um, I shaved it." Yeah, that sounds convincing.
She gasped. "Wait a minute! Jerry doesn't even take chemistry!" she said. "You bastard! What are you trying to pull!" I heard a whooshing sound in front of me, and realized that she was trying to slap me, but it was too dark for her to aim right. With a frustrated "rrr", she pushed past me and out the door.
I said, "Wait, baby, I can change," but it was too late.
And, I swear, I thought that would be the end of it.
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