Welcome to mediacropolis!
(a collaborative literature center)
NOTE: mediacropolis is currently non-interactive after moving to a new server. Please be patient while we update our applications.
Please select from the links on the left. Most are self-explanatory, but you might be wondering about...
- logorrhea. It's a discussion board without a theme, where you can feel free to post messages about pretty much anything.
- SPORE: Some People Only Read E-mail. A collaborative fiction project conducted via e-mail.
- ashota: a place for short, ridiculous, and horribly contrived projects.
One thing I've noted over the years with collaborative writing projects, especially when the collaborators don't know each other: serious stories fail, but fun and/or humourous stories succeed. So stay light-hearted, and have fun.
This site is very new, and occasionally people find pages that don't work quite right, or people have questions about things that are unclear. No problem! Just send an e-mail to chris@
osric.com, and I'll try my best to solve the problem or answer your question.
We protect your e-mail address from spammers: we use special code on mediacropolis to prevent your e-mail address from being harvested by spam robots.