Chapter Two: Re-Test Tommorow?

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Posted by Chris Herdt on April 18, 2004 at 13:33:06:

In Reply to: Chapter One: An eerie coincidence... posted by Kevin on April 18, 2004 at 13:32:21:

I was closer to Professor Vortmann than most of the other students, just from hanging out during office hours. A lot of the other students thought I was sucking up, trying to get a better grade out of him...which wasn't entirely false. His research on molecular data storage and retrieval was interesting, though.

I was concerned about what happened, but it was especially troubling when our class got this message via e-mail:

Class: the re-test is schedjuled for tommorow at 3:00pm. Sorry about this afternoon.
- Prof. Vortmann

It would be quite unlike Professor Vortmann to send out a message without running a spell-check first, plus he typically signed his messages "V-mann" (an attempt, presumably, to develop camaraderie with his students).

So who did send out the message?

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